SPS Coronavirus Response
SPS brings together the science of speech pathology with literacy & oral language education for remote learning.
SPS appreciates the support and trust of each of our schools in collaborating to improve student outcomes in literacy and oral language education. We want to inform you of the steps SPS is taking to ensure the health & safety of staff and the continued provision of speech pathology services for each school community.
We are prepared
In the current unprecedented times, it is important for all of us to work smarter to continue to provide the best learning experiences. For some time SPS has been preparing for any scenario including potential school closures. We have strong relationships in place with experts including universities and professional organisations. We have assessed and adopted home learning methods including online web and internet technologies to be able to continue delivering speech pathology services to student and teachers at home in the event of any school closure.
We are set for remote service delivery
SPS, itself, was established as a virtual organisation. We have years’ of experience working with virtual teams and using interent technologies to manage our own operations. This includes working-from-home, video conferencing, online meetings, online learning, webinars and staff management.
We have an Action Plan in place
Our Coronavirus Action Plan has been put in place and is ready to be implement at any time. We aim to ensure student needs can continue to be supported (particularly high need students) and teacher Professional Development can continue. In the event of any school closure, our speech pathologists are enabled to work-from-home to deliver service to students, parents and teachers at home. The online services offered include a set of student literacy and oral language programs to be continued online. Also offered is an extensive set of professional learning programs for school staff to attend from home. SPS can further tailor specific online programs to suit your school needs. An online booking systems for parents and teachers is ready to manage the booking of all remote sessions as required. This booking system can also be made available schools to place on school website to make it easier for parents and school staff to access home based programs.
If any school would like a more detailed briefing on what SPS can do to support online speech pathology services please contact us . To ensure you always have access to the latest information we will continually update this page. As part of a school's extended team, SPS is prepared for any coronavirus disruptions and can collaborate early to plan for potential disruptions ensuring an improved outcome for all.

Speech Pathology
Service for Students
Social Skills
Oral Language
Literacy - Phonological awareness
Literacy - Text level
Secondary school student modules

Speech Pathology
Services for Staff
Working with PLP goals
Cued articulation and phonological awareness
Supporting articulation
Oral language in the early years
Oral language and EAL student
Colourful semantics
Comprehension strategies
ASD 101 – Social Skills
ASD 102 – Reading Comprehension
Supporting students with developmental language disorder and intellectual disabilities
Modelled classroom sessions
Vocabulary development